Is surgery the only answer when competitive athletes get hurt?

Chiropractic Care Before Surgery in Dumont

Chiropractic Dumont NJ Soccer Athlete

The other day was Sunday or “Football Day” as it is referred to by many of my friends. I watched a bit and caught the wrap up Monday before making it into the office. Several players, including Michael Vick, were hurt during the day and had to leave the games.*

Injuries really aren’t surprising considering how rough competition can get. Even at a college or high school level, sports are violent and players get hurt. The consequence of these injuries may stop an athlete from participating in any competition and the pain can be felt for the rest of their life.

The big question is. “What do competitive athletes do when they get hurt?” The pressure to get back into the game is immense. Often they are faced with the choice of losing their place on the team or undergoing some type of risky surgery.

It made me think about my own experience and that of several other chiropractors who were high school and college athletes. After potentially career ending injuries of different types we were all offered surgery as a cure but chose to undergo chiropractic care, recovered fully and got back to playing that same season. (Unlike surgery, where the recovery time and subsequent rehab often makes an injury “season-ending.”)

Over the past 25 years of practice here at The Back Care Center of Dumont, NJ we’ve helped many injured athletes. We’ve also kept many of our younger athletes injury free with good support programs, exercise regimens and regular chiropractic adjustments. And if you’re a golfer, we have specific and extensive experience in Golf fitness, with 2 Titleist Certified Golf Fitness Professionals and a PGA Golf Pro on staff.

So get out there and play safe. And if you do suffer an injury, call us at 201-387-7463 to schedule an appointment today with your Dumont Chiropractor before you consider more radical treatments like surgery. We may be able to get you back in the game before it's too late.

*By the way, Vick’s injury was a concussion, which thankfully the NFL is finally taking seriously. (Even Madden 12 Football is taking them seriously, with concussions resulting in the player being sidelined for the rest of the game, no exceptions. If you don’t play Madden, then you can learn all about it from this article by Alan Schwarz (no relation!) in the NY Times.


10:00am - 1:00pm
4:00pm - 7:00pm

4:00pm - 7:00pm

10:00am - 1:00pm
4:00pm - 7:00pm


10:00am - 1:00pm
4:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm


The Back Care Center
24 Grant Avenue
Dumont, NJ 07628
(201) 387-7463