Chiropractic Care in Dumont
Whether it’s back pain, or neck pain, or sciatica, or any other kind of pain, the one question that almost all of my patients ask is, “How did this pain happen?” Since I was usually not there when it occurred it is hard to give an exact answer. However, there are some things that might help explain how people can develop back conditions.
Without even being aware of it, people compensate for life’s stresses. They move, lift, sit, stand or even walk in ways to avoid more pain. When those stresses build up to the point beyond your ability to cope, then injuries seem to come out of nowhere.
The thing about stress is it can be sudden or cumulative and can be physical, emotional, mental or even chemical. But no matter the cause, your body reacts the same way to all of them.
This is why some people can be emotionally on edge for a long time and then when you ask them to pick up or carry something very light, their back can mysteriously “goes out.”
Chiropractors are very effective at helping you recover from the effects of all types of stress and making your body strong enough to deal with future issues. Here at The Back Care Center of Dumont, NJ, we offer a wide range of treatments, from chiropractic adjustments to massage therapy.
If you would like to find out how chiropractic care can help you to deal with your stress, call us at 201-387-7463 to schedule an appointment today with your Dumont Chiropractor.
Have a great and healthy day!
Dr. David Schwartz,
The Back Care Center of Dumont, NJ
For appointments, call 201-387-7463
10:00am - 1:00pm
4:00pm - 7:00pm
4:00pm - 7:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
4:00pm - 7:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
4:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Back Care Center
24 Grant Avenue
Dumont, NJ 07628
(201) 387-7463